Organic Pest Control

When considering pest control on the garden, some people immediately run to the garden center and pick up chemicals to get rid of them. Not so in organic gardening. There are other ways of containing, maintaining and preventing pests that do not involve unwanted chemicals and you can do it right in your own yard.

Organic is all about creating an ecosystem and insects are a part of that ecosystem. The garden needs bees and even some harmful insects to stay healthy. These insects feed the birds that control insect overpopulation. Nature is a delicate cycle and if you break that cycle, your garden might not grow well. Continue reading

Are Pests Attacking Your Organic Garden?


An Icky Aphid.

Pests like aphids and cutworms are true enemies of your garden. They can annihilate your plans in a matter of a few days, sometimes it takes just a few hours if your garden is small.

The best way to combat pests is to treat your garden before they start infesting it. Most newbie gardeners plan their garden and they go into reactive mode once pests start to infiltrate their garden rather than using preventive measures from the get go.

So start your preventative measures first. Buy or use your own concoction and spray your vegetable garden with organic sprays that will deter pests from choosing your garden as their meal. Continue reading

Advantages of Organic Gardening

organic-garden-sprayMany people are taking to organic produce to ensure that what they eat is safer. With increase in cases of food poisoning from food poisoning from fruits and vegetables in the media, people a getting more concerned about what they eat.

It is no longer news how harmful these pesticide used on plants can be. A lot of them are prohibited from being used since proved to be carcinogenic.

There so many of these chemicals out there still in use legally, these may have many unproven health hazards yet to be brought to light. Continue reading