Famous Female Organic Gardeners Inspiring Us All!

Sometimes, there are misconceptions about gardening. Some people think gardening is for the elderly or for men or for people who want to “be green.” But that’s just not true.

Anyone can be a gardener and for any reason. Maybe you just want to create something beautiful but lack the ability to paint. Maybe you just need to relax and want to be closer to nature. Or maybe you just want to try to make the world a better place.

Here are a few women that you will probably recognize for accomplishments not pertaining to gardening. But they are also making their mark in the world with their beautiful organic gardens.

Kim Wilde. Photo copyright www.independent.co.uk

Kim Wilde.
For many people who were teens in the 1980s, the name Kim Wilde doesn’t exactly scream “organic gardener.” You are probably remembering her for her English pop songs like “Kids in America” and “Chequered Love.”

She is still active in the music world but after she became pregnant with her first child, she decided that she wanted to create a garden for her children. This led to advancing into new career opportunities. Continue reading

Top 5 Historic Gardens Going Organic!

Gardens are a beautiful piece of history that we can often still enjoy today. From the plantation gardens in the southern part of the United States to the palaces around the world with acres and acres filled with breathtaking views of flowers, trees, and everything in between these places are often a snapshot of times long passed.

Many of these historical gems have or are becoming organic gardens, giving them a more modern feel. They are ridding the natural beauty of harmful pesticides and other chemicals that not only damage the earth but also can be extremely harmful to those who simply want to enjoy being close to nature. Here is a list of the top 5 historic organic gardens.


Greys Court and Gardens

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Best Gifts For The Organic Gardener!

Any gardener appreciates a gift that will help in the garden. Organic gardening tends to be a little costly at first, until the garden starts to thrive, and a little help with things to enhance the garden would be a great help for any organic gardener.

The following are some gifts to be found just about anywhere that will make gardening a little easier.

Organic Seeds

Many different garden companies sell certified organic seed and tomatoes are a big favorite. The organic gardener is always ready to try new things even if it is a new type of pepper or pole bean. Baker Creek has heirloom seeds from over 70 countries and D. Landreth Seed Company has unusual seeds. Continue reading