Tomato Hornworm and How to Get Rid of Them!

It is hard to not see a tomato hornworm because of their color and size. This worm is not one you want around your garden.

It will strip the leaves off a tomato plant in just one afternoon. Although they are hard to get rid of, it is not impossible and organic methods work very well to free your garden from these voracious worms. It just takes a little work on your part.

hornwormTomato hornworms are also called tobacco hornworms they also eat tobacco leaves. They consume foliage from some peppers, eggplant and potatoes (members of the nightshade family). Hornworms are a striking-looking caterpillar that turns into a moth gray and brown moth. Continue reading

Beneficial Insects for Your Garden!

It is unfortunate that some people think all insects are harmful to the garden. Many are, but just as many are beneficial to the garden. They eat other harmful insects or their eggs and save the garden from being eaten alive.

It is important to know which insects you want to attract and keep in the garden and those that can do harm. Using beneficial insects to control problems in the garden is an organic method and it extends to the flower garden, vegetable garden, fruit trees and lawns.

Benefits Of Using Beneficial Insects

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