Organic Pest Control

When considering pest control on the garden, some people immediately run to the garden center and pick up chemicals to get rid of them. Not so in organic gardening. There are other ways of containing, maintaining and preventing pests that do not involve unwanted chemicals and you can do it right in your own yard.

Organic is all about creating an ecosystem and insects are a part of that ecosystem. The garden needs bees and even some harmful insects to stay healthy. These insects feed the birds that control insect overpopulation. Nature is a delicate cycle and if you break that cycle, your garden might not grow well. Continue reading

The Amazing Benefits Of Organic Gardening!


vegetable-basketWe all go to the super market and buy fruits and vegetables. And if you’re older like me you bought what they had available back in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Back then they didn’t know what ‘organic’ was. Only a handful of individuals knew that pesticides and later on, genetically modified foods were and what they could do your body.

As a result, thanks to activists, we have finally learned the truth about harmful pesticides and unhealthy growing practices. It has gotten much better and now we can buy all kinds of organic products, and if you’re really smart you’ll start your own organic garden.

Even though things have gotten better, there is still a lot of food poisoning resulting from poor handling of the produce and poultry, whether it’s at the originally source or in the actual market. Continue reading