Using and Choosing Rain Barrels!

Rain barrels are a thing of the past, or they used to be. They are making a big comeback due to the contribution they make to the local ecology and for water-saving abilities. Rain barrels were used since pioneer times as a water collection system.

Ibackyard rain barreln the past, rain was pristine and could be used for human consumption, but because of pollution and other contaminants, it is not suggested to drink rainwater anymore.

Still, it comes in handy for watering plants, lawns and washing cars. It is worth having a rain barrel especially if you live in a drought prone area.

The traditional way to collect rain in a rain barrel is to connect the downspout from the gutter system to flow into the barrel.

We attached a rain chain to our rain barrel, as you can see in the photo on the left. Continue reading

Rain Barrel Tips for Organic Gardening!

Most of us are not so confident with using rain water to irrigate our home-grown plants, especially that they are edible. There could be a couple of natural and artificial pollutants in the rainwater, but according to recent scientific studies, it is quite safe to use rainwater by using a rain barrel to water the plants.

Many countries and localities use rain barrel water for watering their organic gardens because of the climate or season in their place. For instance, they have long summers or droughts and drastically need to water the plants. For starters, here are a couple of ways and tips on how to effectively set up and utilize a rain barrel for organic gardening:

Know your Roofing Materials.

know your roofing materials

Make sure that your roofing isn’t made up of toxic materials or chemically treated to kill algae or moss, because this definitely means it will be toxic to plants. These roofing materials include wood-shake roofing, copper gutters and zinc strips. Continue reading