Innovative Upside Down Gardening!

Upside down gardening is a viable alternative for those with very limited space in which to garden and for those that might have a little trouble getting down to ground level to weed and tend plants.

No garden tilling is necessary and those plants that must normally be staked, don’t have to be anymore. None of the harvest will ever touch the ground, giving gardeners another benefit to upside down gardening.

In an upside down garden, plants are suspended and hang down while they grow. You don’t need special pots but need to modify what you can get in a garden store.


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Tomato Hornworm and How to Get Rid of Them!

It is hard to not see a tomato hornworm because of their color and size. This worm is not one you want around your garden.

It will strip the leaves off a tomato plant in just one afternoon. Although they are hard to get rid of, it is not impossible and organic methods work very well to free your garden from these voracious worms. It just takes a little work on your part.

hornwormTomato hornworms are also called tobacco hornworms they also eat tobacco leaves. They consume foliage from some peppers, eggplant and potatoes (members of the nightshade family). Hornworms are a striking-looking caterpillar that turns into a moth gray and brown moth. Continue reading

7 Veggies to Plant In The Spring When Growing Organically!

Organic gardening not only ensures you will have a beautiful garden that provides you with a bountiful harvest but that the foods you bring into your home or the homes of your family and friends will be safe and healthy.

Enjoying foods that are free of chemicals is important to many of us which is why we choose to garden for ourselves, not to mention the act of gardening is peaceful and relaxing.

The following 7 vegetables are perfect for planting in the Spring and are hearty enough to grow organically without too much trouble. Are you ready to dig into your garden?


There are several varieties of carrots that will give you a rainbow when harvesting, from the typical orange, to red, yellow and purple. Grow a rainbow of carrots. They are not only sweet, but they are packed with vitamins and minerals. Continue reading