Best Gifts For The Organic Gardener!

Any gardener appreciates a gift that will help in the garden. Organic gardening tends to be a little costly at first, until the garden starts to thrive, and a little help with things to enhance the garden would be a great help for any organic gardener.

The following are some gifts to be found just about anywhere that will make gardening a little easier.

Organic Seeds

Many different garden companies sell certified organic seed and tomatoes are a big favorite. The organic gardener is always ready to try new things even if it is a new type of pepper or pole bean. Baker Creek has heirloom seeds from over 70 countries and D. Landreth Seed Company has unusual seeds. Continue reading

How to Attract and Keep Earthworms in Your Garden

Earthworms are essential to a healthy garden. They are but one type of organism in the soil that turn waste into black gold or rich soil. They also tunnel through the soil and bring oxygen to the roots of any plants in the garden.

They loosen the soil so that roots have an easier time growing through it. They eat organic matter and their output is called castings, which are very rich and full of nutrients considered a natural fertilizer.

Attracting worms to the garden only makes your garden grow bigger and better. There are several ways to make worms at home in your garden. Continue reading