We all go to the super market and buy fruits and vegetables. And if you’re older like me you bought what they had available back in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Back then they didn’t know what ‘organic’ was. Only a handful of individuals knew that pesticides and later on, genetically modified foods were and what they could do your body.
As a result, thanks to activists, we have finally learned the truth about harmful pesticides and unhealthy growing practices. It has gotten much better and now we can buy all kinds of organic products, and if you’re really smart you’ll start your own organic garden.
Even though things have gotten better, there is still a lot of food poisoning resulting from poor handling of the produce and poultry, whether it’s at the originally source or in the actual market.
And some of the terrible chemicals they use on plants is still legal and it’s still unhealthy, so beware!
Organic Gardening Benefits!
Benefit #1: You’ll feel good about what you are feeding your family. You’ll know it’s safe and healthy versus the mass produced and genetically modified stuff you get at your local store. Why buy food that you know has cancer causing chemicals in them?
Benefit #2: Mother earth likes it when you grow your own food organically. Many resort to using chemicals in order to maintain a large crop. The chemicals not only go into your body they also go into the earth when they are watered, when it rains, and when they harvest the crops. These chemicals enter the earth and eventually enter the ground water. Not good!
Also, insects are going to land on these chemically sprayed crops and ingest the chemicals. Insects are a major part of the food chain, so when a bird or other animal eats the insect they are also ingesting the chemicals and they may die or get very ill. The food chain is still working at this point, so when this animal is sick or dies another animal may eat it and then it will also ingest the chemicals. And the story keeps going and evolving, and it all adds up to a very terrible impact on the environment.
We’re are not done! Lets say the insects start dying off due to the ingesting of chemicals from insecticides. Well, if you kill off a large portion of one type of insect or multiple types of insects you are effecting the food chain; animals or insects that rely on the insects that are being killed off may also begin to die off since they depended on that part of the food chain.
And if those animals die off he next predator in the food chain that depends on them for sustenance may also suffer or die off as well. Things could get very chaotic fast simply because a farmer haphazardly kills off insects to maintain crops.
Benefit #4: Yummy in my tummy. Organic food usually has more flavor than the chemically treated food. Have you ever grown your own tomatoes? Have you done a taste test with the ones sold at your super market chain? It’s night and day!
Your organically grown tomatoes have twenty times the flavor. I remember when I was a kid I hated tomatoes. That is until my mom grew her own. I couldn’t wait to slice them up, add dressing, and slurp them up.
The same goes for all your other vegetables! The flavor alone is good enough reason to grow your own.
You Don’t Have To Use Any Chemicals!
When you grow your own fruit and vegetables you have to use spray to control bugs. Bugs (and pests) are your biggest enemy. They can easily destroy an entire garden if you don’t take precautions.
Fortunately you don’t have to use chemicals. You can use sprays that are also organic and won’t harm the environment. You can buy them off the shelf and even make your own from produce you grow (among other ingredients) like garlic, hot peppers etc.
In addition you don’t want to use fertilizer with chemicals in it. You want to buy organic fertilizer to be sure your garden is chemical free. The side benefit of using organic fertilizer is that you will save yourself some money because it’s not as expensive as the mass produced chemically treated fertilizer.
Some of the more popular types of fertilizers are made from things such as seaweed, and fish emulsion.
I’ll write about these fertilizers and show you how to make them yourself so sign up for my newsletter and get my feed.